Sunday, January 1, 2012

Strong Single Mother

One person One family unmarried doing it all by herself.
No support system or well off people to rely on with wealth.
No father figure for her kids to grow from.
No financial help to live off of.
She is the mama and the daddy juggling obstacles of life gladly.
Just for the smile on that child’s face makes her happy.
Being only one part of that puzzle expanding to make it whole.
No longer giving a damn where that man go.
Trial and tribulations she handles so gracious.
Finding herself to be a stronger person from past illusions.
Making life great for her seed with successful conclusions.
Moving on is her cycle no longer dwelling.
Heart so much full of love have to sooth the swelling.
Provider of roof over the head and food in the stomach.
Clothes on the back and bills paid monthly.
Doing what she has to do to stay on her feet.
Even when being criticized by peoples that be.
Forget the man with the white beard and red suit.
When Christmas comes she is Santa clause with the black boots.
That strong single mother knocking down boulders.
Must always be held up high and put on shoulders.
By Kolin E.

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