Tuesday, November 27, 2018

He mad she mad the dog mad cat mad the weather gone mad and yet we all gone die with this one life we have.
Walking around with headaches heartbreaks high blood pressure stressful disagreements on GOD knows who's behalf.
The world gone mad engulfed in more bad news than good news.
People have now become accustomed to tragedy while singing them sad blues.
Men mad at women women mad at men straights and gays mad at each other.
Republicans and Democratics mad all the time heated like fire you cant smother.
Independents like why bother I'm just here for that logical third choice in the game.
Always a candidate in the running you cant name.
I lose track who feminist mad at on the daily, and I all the way know who the pro black
clans can't stand or maybe.
Cause they perception change and tend to turn like a right corner.
Pretty much a all in one concept when rolling with the woke self conscious order.
White women mad at black people minding they business or just breathing.
White men mad cause they no longer have the righteousness of privilege of just being.
Black women mad cause they hard work not paying what it should while they men not doing what he could.
Black men mad at the system and the results not being recognized of his uphill battle.
All the while being herded into prisons like cattle.
Cops mad cause they being called out and accountability is coming.
But good cops stuck in between for not doing nothing.
Latinos mad for not being given a fair chance to make a living and legalization.
Maybe I see the world to simply in its rawest form from deep thought and concentration.
But majority of these issues are human beings fault a self made storm.
Everyday people individualize cause it's just to wack to conform.
Doing the right thing should never come as a problem and it's sad.
My only conclusion is we are accustomed to love being mad.
By Kolin E.