Hypocrisy clouded the world ages ago as negative forces evolve. Into a whole new being and goes wherever the good lives to resolve.
Avenues of souls confused lost with out a hope or desire to grow and live.
As commendable souls unconnected and confused stray away what to give.
Life a infinite word within itself full of variables struggles hope and happiness.
Reaching for the light can be a very scary thing when surrounded by darkness.
The path we choose begins and ends with spirituality the belief in something greater.
Chances are too much to handle when gliding and striving driving a spirit straighter.
GOD is the choice to make a long distance short always guiding to a greater brightness.
Confidence is humble but ambitious as freely smiles implode inside like a limitless likeness.
Moods are like an interchangeable tempo to a beat playthings for attitudes blessed to notice.
Unlikely circumstances hurt but get dealt with eventually with a universal almighty presence.
From the atom to the brain into the ever beating heart strained to stream the veins to travel out.
Reaching into the depths of desultory emotions working as a fusion for healing and pains self doubt.
Legitimizing self worth so naturally with a graceful wind as a reminder of being always here.
No matter how loathsome detestable hateful people can be your love is forever always near.
King of Kings please bless thee with knowledge of cultural connection and earthly care.
The smell of a rose so beautiful as the sky unfolds overlapping the sun rays of rich red flare.
Where the little things never go unappreciated and courtesy makes the insides illuminated.
What is obtained and beheld is a journey priceless.
Feelings of intense freedom from within a limitless likeness.By Kolin E.
Wow! I felt this one in my bones. You never fell to bring it.